Insurance Solutions

Insurance Solution

Our insurance asset management experts is committed to providing innovative investment solutions tailored to meet the unique business objectives of insurers.

Samir Fenri – Advisor

The Equator Group is built on integrity and investor trust.. We founded our Insurance Solutions business with the objective of driving the best long-term outcomes for our clients and their policyholders and stakeholders.

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You’re guaranteed to get our Bank Account and Debit Card as long as we can verify the details we need from you.

For personal applications, we simply need to verify that you’re a UAE resident  and are at least 18 years old. (Additional Cashplus Bank Account cardholders must be at least 13 years old).

For business applications, we’ll also need to verify that your business is based in the UAE.

We’ll try to verify any personal or business name and address details with the  information that you provide us during the application. If we aren’t able to do this, we’ll request some documents from you in order to open your account.
When you apply for a Bank Account, checks need to be done to verify your identity. This may mean you’ll need to share certain documents with us that we can use to verify your personal details.

Here’s a list of the documents we’ll accept, broken down into proof of identity and proof of address categories.

It’s important that your documents are clear, legible, valid and current. You also can’t use the same document to verify both your identity and address, so if you’re using your Driver’s licence, you’ll also need another form of ID as well.

For proof of identity:

A copy of your passport

A copy of your driver’s licence – Please include copies of the front and back of your card (we won’t accept just the paper counterpart)

EEA member state ID card -Please include copies of the front and back of your card

Firearms certificate or shotgun licence – Please include copies of the front and back of your licence

Construction industry scheme card – Please include copies of the front and back of your card

Military ID card – Please include copies of the front and back of your card

Biometric Residency Card – Please include copies of the front and back of your card

For proof of address:

A bank or building society statement – This can be either an original statement or PDF dated within the last three months and not a print out or copy (PDFs are only accepted if they’re accompanied by a Passport or Drivers License)

A utility bill – This needs to be an original bill dated within the last three months and not a print out or copy (we won’t accept mobile phone contracts)

Benefits or DWP Pension confirmation – Please include a copy from the current or new tax year

Council tax bill – Please include a copy from the current tax year

Tenancy agreement from a council or housing association – This needs to be dated within the last three months and can’t be a private tenancy agreement

Credit card or store card statement – This needs to be an original statement dated within the last three months and not a print out or copy

Council rent card – This needs to be an original document dated within the last three months and not a print out or copy

Firearms certificate or shotgun licence – Please include copies of the front and back of your licence

Bankruptcy Order, Bankruptcy Restriction Order or Debt Relief Order – Please include a copy dated within the last three months

Mortgage statement – This needs to be an original statement dated within the last three months and not a print out or copy

Inland Revenue Notice of Tax Coding – Please include a copy from the current or new tax year

Solicitor’s letter – This needs to be an original document dated within the last three months and not a print out or copy

For partnerships or limited liability partnerships:

If you’re applying as a partnership or limited liability partnership, you’ll need to send in the relevant documents for each partner involved, not just one.

For charities:

If you’re applying as a charity, you’ll need to upload a letter of authority on headed paper listing all trustees to the charity along with proof of identity documents for each trustee to the charity.

A proof of identity document is a document verifying the identity of your trustee (to see what documents we accept, refer to the list above). Your letter of authority must be a signed letter by a trustee, sent on official letterhead, stating all the trustees to the charity and identity documents for each trustee to the charity.

Please Note: These emails can take up to 24 hrs to be delivered.

We’d first recommended you check your junk mailbox. If you’ve still not received it, please contact us and we’ll arrange for it to be re-sent to your email address.

Yes, our international payments service is currently available to both Business and Personal Bank Account holders.

The pay-in details you need to provide to the payer can differ depending on the currency it’s coming in. In order to receive an international payment, you’ll need to provide the payer with the Account Number for the Equator Bank account you want the money to be sent to. Your Account Number is separate to your Customer Number, and you’ll find it on your Equator Bank card after the sort code, or your account overview in Online Banking or the Equator Bank Mobile App.

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